What Is Stress?
“Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.”
Some may not always know what causes their stress but here are some common causes:
- Being under pressure at work or home
- Facing big issues in life
- Working about something or someone
- Not having any or having too little control of a situation
- Having responsibilities that are too much on one person
- uncertain
In life, stress is key to survive but having too much stress will cause your immune system to be compromised, give you hypertension, depression, anxiety, and many other health-related issues.
Ways to relieve stress are:
- Exercise!
- Take vitamins that help with stress and anxiety.
- Light a candle and meditate
- Do not drink too much coffee
- Write your problems down and talk to someone about them.
- Chew gum in a stressful situation
- Spend more time with family and friends and most importantly LAUGH!!
Some good ways to avoid stress are:
- Balance your life
- Manage all your responsibilities but what is the most important to what can wait
- Eat healthily
- Have better sleep patterns
Stress can kill and can cause so many issues, so if you’re having a hard time dealing with stress and managing it, give us a call at 404-968-9469 or make an appointment online at www.ahmedfamilypractice.com, because were here to help.